Congratulations, you are successfully signed up for our 5-day Unleash Your Purpose Challenge! Please watch the intro video (above) and read the important starter info below.

While we go LIVE shortly, the energy of this challenge starts NOW. Please do these things:

  1. First – mark your calendars. Starting Wednesday, February 22nd we go LIVE for 5 straight days at 9am PST / 12pm EST. Take a moment and schedule these times on your calendar!
  2. We’ve built out this private page on our website for the challenge. You’ll find the Zoom links, event materials and it’s where we’ll post all the recordings! Please come here and say HELLO to us!
  3. On our page please start listening to this Willpower audio every morning and this Surrender audio every evening.  This is part of the subconscious reprogramming we’ll talk about on Day 1.
  4. Check your email for a message from and make sure it did NOT go into spam! If it did, un-spam it!

We can’t wait to see you soon…
Lauren & Todd