The Clarity Course

With Todd Jason

Transform Uncertainty & Doubt
Into Unshakable Confidence
In 48 Hours

The Clarity Course

With Todd Jason

Transform Uncertainty & Doubt Into Unshakable Confidence In 48 Hours

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“A 2 Day Course That Changes Everything”

As a career coach for 20+ years I can tell you the current rate of change in the professional landscape is like nothing we’ve ever seen.

And because change will continue to accelerate, it is absolutely essential for each one of us to have a personalized game plan about how to navigate.

An effective game plan must incorporate an honest assessment of what you want to do, what you can do, and also provide deep clarity about your next steps.

In 2 days, The Clarity Course will give you this game plan.

Its holistic approach cuts through the noise, refuels confidence, and empowers you to make smart decisions based on your inner wisdom.

Whether you’re currently in transition, contemplating one, or feel that change is inevitably coming your way this 2 day program is an essential guide that will get you to your NEXT level faster.

– Todd

“A 2 Day Course That Changes Everything”

As a career coach for 20+ years I can tell you the current rate of change in the professional landscape is like nothing we’ve ever seen.

And because these changes will continue to accelerate, it is absolutely essential for each one of us to have a personalized game plan about how to navigate.

An effective game plan must incorporate an honest assessment of what you want to do, what you can do, and also provide deep clarity about your next steps.

In 2 days, The Clarity Course will give you this game plan.

Its holistic approach cuts through the noise, refuels confidence, and empowers you to make smart decisions so you can achieve your next level faster.

Whether you’re currently in transition, contemplating one, or feel that change is inevitably coming your way this 2 day program is an essential guide to uncovering your inner wisdom.

– Todd

Praise For My Work:

Praise For
This Work:

Why Take This?

Start this course today if ANY of these resonate:

“I Need a Game Plan!”

You’re very much ‘in action’ and can benefit by having a tangible roadmap to make things happen faster. You’ll get that here.

“Change is Coming”

Uncertainty looms and you have fears about changes you know are coming. This course will motivate you to be proactive.

“Just Feeling Stuck”

You’re unmotivated, uninspired or just feeling ‘on autopilot’. This course will shift you into inspired action.

What People Say:

What Can Possibly Happen In 2 Days?

Dramatic. Life. Shifts.

The foundation of this course is built on an understanding that any fear, doubt or uncertainty you may be experiencing isn’t about you. The real problem is all the noise. 

The endless flood of information and advice has buried your own inner wisdom, and The Clarity Course is designed to help you cut through layers of confusion and doubt so you can uncover what truly matters to you.

The reason why the course is so effective is because we’ll guide you to explore the most important questions upfront, resulting in rapid increases in mental clarity and motivation. Make this moment your moment, and get your clarity now:

4 Life-Changing Techniques:

Life Blueprinting

You’ll learn a truly game changing technique to connect with your most inspiring long-term vision.

Self Assessment

You’ll learn how to always stay on track with a personal accountability tool that heightens awareness each day.

Pattern Interrupt

We’ll show you how to squash fear, doubt and uncertainty and never be derailed by these emotions again.

Communal Support

You’ll learn a revolutionary mindset technique for networking and support that will get you results faster.

Here’s What
To Do Next:

The Clarity Course is fully yours with a
one-time investment of $99. This includes:

The Clarity Course is fully yours with a one-time investment of $99. This includes:

Todd Jason is the creator & main facilitator of this process and has been working in the development field for over 20 years.

He has helped devise programs that have reached over 10 million people, working with some of the biggest teachers in the world including Eckhart Tolle, Tony Robbins, Ken Wilber, Deepak Chopra and many others.

In March of 2020, Todd lost his Mom and was unable to travel across the country to be with his family due to the pandemic.

He harnessed this energy into creating The Clarity Course and has since helped thousands bust loose using the very BEST practices he’s learned from working with world-class teachers.


Once you purchase the course you’ll get immediate access to the first day’s session and worksheet in our dedicated platform!

In exactly 24 hours session #2 will be released and you’ll be given the second assignment.  Purchase here and you can start this important process ASAP!

NO. The first session is about an hour long – and after that you’ll be given an ultra important and enlightening exercise.  You’ll be able to complete this exercise within 30-60 minutes.

The second day is similar in terms of time commitment.

Gaining clarity is a BIG deal and you’ll quickly understand why we can help you get it relatively fast as you go through day #1.  

We have LOTS of resources and additional support available for people who want to take their new game plan and insure that these exciting things actually happen. We’d NEVER leave you hanging!

Embody Your Full Potential

ⓒ 2024 Todd Jason

The Purpose Accelerator

With Todd Jason

YES Todd, I am down to join your free Purpose Accelerator challenge and I’m ready for a huge boost in clarity:
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